Flexible – With the option to repay over 6 months, you have plenty of breathing space to repay your loan. For people that use payday loans, the requirement to repay in full at the end of the month can be stressful and lead to dependency on high cost loans. But with a 6 to 24 month option, we are proud to offer a flexible solution to those who would like a little bit of extra time to repay their loan.
Receive Funds Upfront – We transfer your 6 month loan to you in one lump sum. If you have to pay for an emergency such as a car or household repair, you can use the funds immediately to fix your problems and then repay over 6 months in 6 equal monthly instalments.
Affordable – When compared to alternatives such as bank overdrafts, credit card overdrafts and payday loans, our 6 month instalment loans offer an affordable solution for those looking to borrow money.
Same Repayment Amounts Each Month – One Stop Money Shop makes life easy. We confirm the amount you are repaying each month and arrange a scheduled repayment date for this to come out of your account each month for 6 months, usually the last Friday or last working day of the month.
Can Repay Early – If you find that you are in a position to repay your loan earlier, you can absolutely do so. You will not be charged any early repayment fees and will save on the overall interest you are charged because your loan is open for less time.